Jewelry Care Information: Take off your jewelry when doing work or activities that may damage it. If you are very active, take extra precautions with jewelry that has gemstones or glass beads to prevent damaging of the setting and loss of gemstone or glass bead and to prevent scratching or discoloring. Never dip any silver Jewelry in "dip" solutions or commercial cleaning solutions even though it may say that it is for silver jewelry because over time the silver jewelry will turn in color and never look the same. The best way to clean your jewelry is with a professional jewelry polishing cloth after washing them to remove any chemicals, oils or perspiration. Silver is one of the world's most useful metals. Most silver jewelry is silver combined with other metals. Typically Sterling Silver consists of 92.5 % silver and 7.7% copper. This makes it more suitable for wearable glass jewelry.

Child Safety: Monitor your child when they wear jewelry. Children ages 6-8 may have a tendency to still put things in their mouth. Why? It may harm them if it breaks and part of the jewelry is swallowed. Children are precious, watch over them diligently!

Storage: Keep your jewelry in a clean, dry container. A fabric-lined jewelry box or pouch is recommended or wrap peace individually so they will not scratch each other. Air tight zip lock plastic bags are an excellent economical alternative to a jewelry box and will help prevent tarnishing. Hair spray, perfume and perspiration may cause jewelry to become dull. Apply all cosmetics, perfumes and colognes before putting on colored gemstone or glass bead jewelry. Over time oxidation reactions will occur, especially with sulfur and oxygen, causing silver to become tarnished. Glass Pearl: Overexposing the to soap, detergent, hair spray, perfume, oil and other harsh chemicals can cause them to lose their cluster. Jewelry is one of your precious piece, so please treat them special.

Jewelry Repairs: Renny & Tiffany will repair your jewelry if it breaks. Please contact us at (Subject line: "Jewelry Repair") or Call 407-587-9419 (between 10AM - 4PM) and explain what repair is needed. We will call or email you the estimated repair cost. Repair cost start at $10.00 per piece plus return S&H ($2.00). Please allow return delivery within 1 to 2 weeks from the time of repairing to delivery (excluding weekends and holidays). Send payment (M.O. or Check) plus payable to Renny Woodworth and notify us when you have sent it. Send to: Renny & Tiffany, 7611 S. Orange Blossom Trail, #182, Orlando, Florida 32809. Note: There will be no guarantee for the exact match beads or findings.
by Renny Woodworth
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Website design by Renny Woodworth